The best of Vienna on foot
You will participate in a tour with a certified guide, you will discover the fascinating history of this city and the most interesting places, you will get to know the peculiar character of this city and its inhabitants, the Vienna of good food, Waltzers and cafes. I will introduce you to absolutely little-known aspects of the city, for example you will be surprised, among other things, to discover the importance that wine plays in the history, economy and culture of Vienna. We will walk together for two and a half hours while visiting the most important places of artistic and historical interest This tour is perfect for travelers who have little time to visit the city, but also for curious travelers who intend to start off on the right foot, getting the most important information first. Get all the important information that will allow you to explore the city on your own. This tour is scheduled in three different languages during the week. The tour in English takes place on Saturday and Thursday at 1.30 pm Other things to keep in mind. I ask you to be at the meeting place ten minutes before

Bevorstehende Sessions
Umbuchung & Kündigung
You can cancel your tour free of charge up to 48 hours in advance. All cancellations must be submitted in writing. We do not accept cancellations by phone or by third parties.